63 research outputs found

    Peer Assessment and Self-assessment: Effective Learning Tools in Higher Education.

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    When used appropriately, self- and peer-assessment are very effective learning tools. In the present work, instructor formative assessment and feedback, self-assessment (SA), and peer-assessment (PA) have been compared. During the first part of a semester, the students followed a continuous formative assessment. Subsequently, they were divided into two subgroups based on similar performances. One subgroup performed SAs, and the other followedPAduring the last part of the course. The performances of the two groups in solving problems were compared. Results suggest that PA is a more effective learning tool than SA, and both are more effective than instructor formative assessment. However, a survey that was conducted at the end of the experiment showed higher student confidence in instructor assessment than in PA. The students recognized the usefulness of acting as peer assessors, but believed that SA helped them more than PA

    Tuning of modulation spectrum parameters for voice pathology detection

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    Acoustic parameters are frequently used to assess the presence of pathologies in human voice. Many of them have demonstrated to be useful but in some cases its results could be optimized by selecting appropriate working margins. In this study two indices, CIL and RALA, obtained from Modulation Spectra are described and tuned using different frame lengths and frequency ranges to maximize AUC in normal to pathological voice detection. After the tuning process, AUC reaches 0.96 and 0.95 values for CIL and RALA respectively representing an improvement of 16 % and 12 % at each case respect to the typical tuning based only on frame length selection

    Influence of delay time on regularity estimation for voice pathology detection

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    The employment of nonlinear analysis techniques for automatic voice pathology detection systems has gained popularity due to the ability of such techniques for dealing with the underlying nonlinear phenomena. On this respect, characterization using nonlinear analysis typically employs the classical Correlation Dimension and the largest Lyapunov Exponent, as well as some regularity quantifiers computing the system predictability. Mostly, regularity features highly depend on a correct choosing of some parameters. One of those, the delay time �, is usually fixed to be 1. Nonetheless, it has been stated that a unity � can not avoid linear correlation of the time series and hence, may not correctly capture system nonlinearities. Therefore, present work studies the influence of the � parameter on the estimation of regularity features. Three � estimations are considered: the baseline value 1; a � based on the Average Automutual Information criterion; and � chosen from the embedding window. Testing results obtained for pathological voice suggest that an improved accuracy might be obtained by using a � value different from 1, as it accounts for the underlying nonlinearities of the voice signal

    Analysis of complexity and modulation spectra parameterizations to characterize voice roughness

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    Disordered voices are frequently assessed by speech pathologists using acoustic perceptual evaluations. This might lead to problems due to the subjective nature of the process and due to the in uence of external factors which compromise the quality of the assessment. In order to increase the reliability of the evaluations the design of new indicator parameters obtained from voice signal processing is desirable. With that in mind, this paper presents an automatic evaluation system which emulates perceptual assessments of the roughness level in human voice. Two parameterization methods are used: complexity, which has already been used successfully in previous works, and modulation spectra. For the latter, a new group of parameters has been proposed as Low Modulation Ratio (LMR), Contrast (MSW) and Homogeneity (MSH). The tested methodology also employs PCA and LDA to reduce the dimensionality of the feature space, and GMM classiffers for evaluating the ability of the proposed features on distinguishing the different roughness levels. An effciency of 82% and a Cohen's Kappa Index of 0:73 is obtained using the modulation spectra parameters, while the complexity parameters performed 73% and 0:58 respectively. The obtained results indicate the usefulness of the proposed modulation spectra features for the automatic evaluation of voice roughness which can derive in new parameters to be useful for clinicians

    Dysphonia Detection based on modulation spectral features and cepstral coefficients

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    In this paper, we combine modulation spectral features with mel-frequency cepstral coefficients for automatic detection of dysphonia. For classification purposes, dimensions of the original modulation spectra are reduced using higher order singular value decomposition (HOSVD). Most relevant features are selected based on their mutual information to discrimination between normophonic and dysphonic speakers made by experts. Features that highly correlate with voice alterations are associated then with a support vector machine (SVM) classifier to provide an automatic decision. Recognition experiments using two different databases suggest that the system provides complementary information to the standard mel-cepstral feature

    Non uniform embedding based on relevance analysis with reduced computational complexity: application to the detection of pathologies from biosignal recordings

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    Nonlinear analysis tools for studying and characterizing the dynamics of physiological signals have gained popularity, mainly because tracking sudden alterations of the inherent complexity of biological processes might be an indicator of altered physiological states. Typically, in order to perform an analysis with such tools, the physiological variables that describe the biological process under study are used to reconstruct the underlying dynamics of the biological processes. For that goal, a procedure called time-delay or uniform embedding is usually employed. Nonetheless, there is evidence of its inability for dealing with non-stationary signals, as those recorded from many physiological processes. To handle with such a drawback, this paper evaluates the utility of non-conventional time series reconstruction procedures based on non uniform embedding, applying them to automatic pattern recognition tasks. The paper compares a state of the art non uniform approach with a novel scheme which fuses embedding and feature selection at once, searching for better reconstructions of the dynamics of the system. Moreover, results are also compared with two classic uniform embedding techniques. Thus, the goal is comparing uniform and non uniform reconstruction techniques, including the one proposed in this work, for pattern recognition in biomedical signal processing tasks. Once the state space is reconstructed, the scheme followed characterizes with three classic nonlinear dynamic features (Largest Lyapunov Exponent, Correlation Dimension and Recurrence Period Density Entropy), while classification is carried out by means of a simple k-nn classifier. In order to test its generalization capabilities, the approach was tested with three different physiological databases (Speech Pathologies, Epilepsy and Heart Murmurs). In terms of the accuracy obtained to automatically detect the presence of pathologies, and for the three types of biosignals analyzed, the non uniform techniques used in this work lightly outperformed the results obtained using the uniform methods, suggesting their usefulness to characterize non-stationary biomedical signals in pattern recognition applications. On the other hand, in view of the results obtained and its low computational load, the proposed technique suggests its applicability for the applications under study

    Acoustic analysis of the unvoiced stop consonants for detecting hypernasal speech

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    Speakers having evidence of a defective velopharyngeal mechanism produce speech with inappropriate nasal resonance (hypernasal speech). Voice analysis methods for the detection of hypernasality commonly use vowels and nasalized vowels. However, to obtain a more general assessment of this abnormality it is necessary to analyze stops and fricatives. This study describes a method for hipernasality detection analyzing the unvoiced Spanish stop consonants /k/ and /p/, as well. The importance of phonemeby- phoneme analysis is shown, in contrast with whole word parametrization which may include irrelevant segments from the classification point of view. Parameters that correlate the imprints of Velopharyngeal Incompetence (VPI) over voiceless stop consonants were used in the feature estimation stage. Classification was carried out using a Support Vector Machine (SVM), obtaining a performance of 74% for a repeated cross-validation strategy evaluation

    Use of Mel Frequency Cepstral Coefficients for Automatic Pathology Detection on Sustained Vowel Phonations: Mathematical and Statistical Justification

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    This paper presents a justification for the use of MFCC parameters in automatic pathology detection on speech. While such an application has produced good results up to now, only partial explanations to this good performance had been given before. The herein exposed explanation consists of an interpretation of the mathematical transformations involved in MFCC calculation and a statistical analysis that confirms the conclusions drawn from the theoretical reasoning

    Use of Cepstrum-based parameters for automatic pathology detection on speech. Analysis of performance and theoretical justification

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    The majority of speech signal analysis procedures for automatic pathology detection mostly rely on parameters extracted from time-domain processing. Moreover, calculation of these parameters often requires prior pitch period estimation; therefore, their validity heavily depends on the robustness of pitch detection. Within this paper, an alternative approach based on cepstral-domain processing is presented which has the advantage of not requiring pitch estimation, thus providing a gain in both simplicity and robustness. While the proposed scheme is similar to solutions based on Mel-frequency cepstral parameters, already present in literature, it has an easier physical interpretation while achieving similar performance standards

    Detección del espacio glotal en imágenes laríngeas mediante transformada Watershed y Merging JND

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    El presente artículo describe un nuevo método para la detección del espacio glotal en imágenes laríngeas obtenidas de vídeos de alta o baja velocidad. El proceso de detección basa su eficacia en la combinación de varias técnicas de gran relevancia en el campo del tratamiento digital de imágenes. Una de estas técnicas es la transformada Watershed que junto con varios tipos de Merging y un proceso final de predicción lineal, hacen posible la detección automática en un 99% de las imágenes analizadas. La potencia del método se ve incrementada por la ausencia de cualquier tipo de inicialización y por no necesitar condiciones estrictas sobre las características de las imágenes a procesar. Evidentemente es importante que el algoritmo integre información a priori del espacio glotal, pero este conocimiento es bastante relajado comparado con las condiciones impuestas por otros trabajos que también intentan la segmentación